Bartók twenty-seven choruses
這張專輯是由匈牙利合唱指揮家Miklós Szabó指揮他創立的 Győr Girls' Choir所錄製匈牙利音樂家B. Bartók於1935年為兒童與女聲合唱創作的的二十七首合唱曲。專輯曲目如下:
1. Spring
2. Don’t leave me here
3. Spell
4. Letter to those at home
5. Play song
6. Counting
7. Hawk
8. Don’t leave me!
9. I have a ring
10. I have no one in the world
11. Breadbaking
12. Hussar
13. Loafers’ song
14. Wandering
15. Girls’ teasing song
16. Boys’ teasing song
17. Michaelmas greetings
18. Sultor
19. Grief
20. Bird song
21. Jeering
22. Regret
23. Had I not seen you
24. The bird flew away
25. Cushion dance
26. Canon
27. God be with you!