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Copland Old American Songs

推薦者: 陳雲紅  撰文日期: 2017-04-14  出版社: Sony / CBS Masterworks  編號: MK42140
Copland (1900-1990),源自於立陶宛移民的猶太家庭的美國著名作曲家,他引用美國鄉村民歌於創作上,帶給美國音樂發展極大的貢獻。此張專輯由合唱指揮Jerold D. Ottley所帶領的Mormon Tabernacle choir,以及Michael Tilson Thomas指揮的Utah Symphony錄製,曲目如下:
Old American Songs
1.The Boatmen’s Dance
2.The Dodger
3.Long time ago
4.Simple gifts
5.I bought me a cat
6.The little horses
7.Zion’s wall
8.The golden willow
9.At the river
10.Ching-a-ring chaw
11.Canticle of freedom
Four motets
1.Help us, o Lord
2.Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever
3.Have Merry on us, O my Lord
4.Sing ye praises to our King