My great-grandfather used to say to his wife, my great-grandmother, who in turn told her daughter, my grandmother, who repeated it to her daughter, my mother, who used to remind her daughter, my own sister, that to talk well and eloquently was a very grea - Mozart
我曾祖父告訴她太太,我曾祖母,然後告訴她女兒,我祖母,她再告訴女兒,我的母親,再告訴女兒,我姊姊。什麼事 ? 好好的優雅地說話是非常重要的,但知道什麼時候停止,是一樣的重要。~ 莫札特(1756/1/27-1791/12/5)
I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness.” - Mozart
我感謝我的神,讓我有機會知道(學習到),死亡是打開獲得真正快樂之門的鑰匙。~ 莫札特(1756/1/27-1791/12/5)
As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence, I have formed during the last few years such close relations with this best and truest friend of mankind, that his image is not only no longer terrifying to me, but is. - Mozart
死亡,是我們存活的真正意義。過去幾年有機會和這位人類的真正好友建立親密關係,它的形象已不再驚嚇我。~ 莫札特(1756/1/27-1791/12/5)
It is my fervent wish and my greatest ambition to leave a work with a few useful instructions for the pianists after me. - Liszt(1811/10/22-1886/7/31)
The music of the Gypsies belongs in the sphere of improvisation rather than in any other, without which it would have no power to exist. - Liszt(1811/10/22-1886/7/31)
When I think of Liszt as a creative artist, he appears before my eyes rouged, on stilts, and blowing into Jericho trumpets fortissimo and pianissimo. - Frédéric Chopin, quoted in Walter Beckett, Liszt(1963)
當我想到李斯特,是個有創意的藝術家,他就從我面前趾高氣昂、裝腔作勢的出現。~ 蕭邦在貝克特書中評論李斯特
When he sits at the piano and having repeatedly pushed his hair back over his brow, begins to improvise, then he often rages all too madly upon the ivory keys and lets loose a deluge of heaven-storming ideas, with here and there a few sweet flowers to she - Heinrich Heine, quoted in Walter Beckett, Liszt (1963)
當他坐在鋼琴前,重複地將頭髮往後撥,開始即興演奏,之後通常瘋狂地在琴鍵上敲,然後狂風暴雨般的構思出現,偶爾夾雜著散發香味,甜蜜的小花。旁聽者會覺得幸福,焦慮,但更多是帶著渴望⋯ ~ 海涅在貝克特書中對李斯特的評論
You have to change your mind with every orchestra because every orchestra has a different character. - Kurt Masur(July 18, 1927)
You know as I started as a shy young conductor, I always wanted to cooperate. To build up the musicians. To help them to be better than without a conductor. And sometimes young talented musicians have to be encouraged. - Kurt Masur(July 18, 1927)
Young conductors who are confident enough, they very often have success. - Kurt Masur(July 18, 1927)